Basic Functions

Save the downloaded data as a file.
Read saved files and display in graph form (Cannot read Text File)
Read multiple files and save all data to 1 file
Save only data displayed in graph to a file
Change original Voltage Recorder data file to text file (CSV format to be read by common spreadsheet software)

Download Recorded Data
Set recording parameters and transmit order to start recording.
Monitor Current Readings

Simultaneous display of 8 channels of data
Zoom in on one part of graph
Move cursors on graph and calculate the difference between two specific points. (AB Cursors).
Change Graph display colors
Scroll left and right across graph when enlarged.

Print Graphs
Print Data Lists

Set range and calculate for Highest, Lowest and Average Value
Display Data List for graph.
Covert the data from voltage to your desired scale.
Edit Recording Conditions